〰️“What you do is your history. What you set in motion is your legacy.”

〰️Leonard Sweet

〰️Join our Capital Campaign! Leave a legacy for our community!

〰️“What you do is your history. What you set in motion is your legacy.” 〰️Leonard Sweet 〰️Join our Capital Campaign! Leave a legacy for our community!

Be a part of a NEW legacy with a gift toward the Capital Campaign Fund!

Now is the time for another BIG and BOLD idea - a new facility that will enable expanded Youth Development and Survivor Services Programs. Join us in taking The Marsh Family legacy in a beautiful new direction! Donation and pledge information may be found below.

Through the philanthropic efforts of George and Hilinda Marsh, the YWCA of Van Wert County was chartered in 1914 and opened its doors in 1916. It was a BIG, BOLD, and UNCONVENTIONAL idea for its time …to provide safe housing for young women who were pursuing employment and wanted to live independently of their family farms.

Although the programs and services have evolved and changed in the past 109 years, one thing is certain. Just like the Marsh Family, we are committed to Van Wert County and helping those who who need us in their journey to safety and independence.

With a donation to the YWCA Capital Campaign, you ensure the expansion of programs that will serve more survivors and youth in our community in a new facility!


Pledges may be fulfilled over a one, two or three year term and payments may be made either quarterly, semi-annually, or annually. Many pledge levels available including Honor Wall or Naming Rights designations.


All donations are tax-deductible whether they come in the form of a pledge or a one time donation. Donors can utilize standard methods such as checks or credit cards or there are other creative ways to make a campaign contribution including stocks or investment income and donating bushels of grain.

Honor Wall and Naming Right designations are available depending on the amount of the contribution.

For check or stock/investment donations, contact dchiles@ywcavanwertcounty.org. For other donation types, click the appropriate button below.